My name is Maribeth and I'm the internship coordinator at both Seven Oaks Met School and Maples Met School. We have been using ImBlaze to track our internship hours over the past two years. This school year, we wanted to promote the consistent use of ImBlaze even more by creating a few new programs. At the beginning of each new month, we will be awarding the students with the best check-in/out record and logged internship hours with gift cards to a local smoothie bar. Students who are on-site at their schools, currently looking for internships are not left out either! This year, we will be rolling out a new "On-Site" check-in/out program so that students begin to form the habit of using ImBlaze even when they are not off-site.
Increasing student use in attendance log-ins is important because number one for us is making sure as a staff we are doing our due diligence. We need to know where our students are and how many hours they are putting into their internship experiences. Secondly, encouraging students to consistently use the app is building good habits. We want our students to form consistent and healthy habits when it comes to career development.
To learn more, contact the brilliant Maribeth and follow one (or both) of her schools on Instagram @sevenoaksmetschool or @maplesmet.